Friday, August 20, 2010

Recent Changes in MP's Salary and Perks

Salary – Rs. 16000 to 50000
Office Expenses – Rs. 20,000 to 40,000
Constituency Allowance – Rs. 20,000 to 40,000
Interest Free Loan – Up to 4 lacks
Road mileage – Rs. 13/km to 16/km
Pension – Rs. 8,000 to Rs. 20,000.

Apart from that free accommodation in Lutyen's Delhi, Telephone and Internet free upto 10, 000, free Train Travel in 1st Class and Air Travel in Business Class.

What else our MP's want??

Saturday, August 14, 2010

स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं (Happy Independence Day)

बचपन में स्वतंत्रता दिवस पर कुछ ज्यादा ही उल्लास होता था. स्कूल में झंडोतोलन, जबरदस्त नारेबाजी, उसके बाद जलेबी की मिठास, घर वापस आकर दूरदर्शन पर परेड देखना, और उसके बाद दोस्तों के साथ क्रिकेट खेलना या शाम में दूरदर्शन पर ही देशभक्ति से ओत-प्रोत सिनेमा देखना. क्या दिन थे, सचमुच में देशभक्ति की जो भावना उस समय उमडती थी, वो विशुद्ध होती थी.

आजकल तो बस लालबत्ती पर रूककर फेरी वाले से झंडा लेकर गाडी में लगा लिया, थोडा बहस कर लिया आजादी और मौलिक अधिकारों पर, और देशभक्ति की इतिश्री हो गयी. मौलिक कर्तव्यों की बात तो हम नहीं ही करते.

शायद ६३वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस कुछ बदल सके, इसी आशा के साथ सभी को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

रेडियो – अकेलेपन का सच्चा साथी

दुनिया में ऐसा कौन है, जिसने कभी अकेलापन महसूस नहीं किया? हममें से कई लोग अब भी अकेले हैं, घर परिवार से दूर रहते हैं| ऐसे में भीड़ में होने पर भी अकेलापन महसूस होता है| आजकल तो इन्टरनेट है जो हमारा सच्चा साथी बनकर हमेशा साथ निभाता है| आज से १५-२० साल पहले की बातें याद करता हूँ, तो मुझे रेडियो को याद आती है|

रेडियो – मेरा एकलौता सच्चा साथी, जिसने अकेलेपन में, भीड़ में, खुशी में, और गम में भी हमेशा मेरा साथ दिया| पचपन से ही मैं संगीत का बहुत बड़ा शौक़ीन था, मुझे पुरानी हिंदी फिल्मों के गाने बहुत पसंद थे| पढ़ने के समय भी मेरा रेडियो चलता रहता था| कभी कभी सोचता हूँ की रेडियो के लिए मेरी दीवानगी के पीछे क्या कारण था, तो बस एक चेहरा मेरे सामने आता है, मेरे पिता जी का| मैं उन्हें काका कहता हूँ, चचेरे भैया और दीदी लोगों को कहते सुना था, तब से मैं भी यही कह रहा हूँ (वैसे आजकल फोन पर कभी कभी पापा निकल जाता है मुँह से (झूठी अंग्रेजियत की निशानी)|

वापस रेडियो पर आता हूँ, काका को पता था की मुझे रेडियो सुनना बहुत पसंद है और रेडियो सुनकर ही मैं पढाई अच्छे से करता हूँ| उनके पास संतोष का एक पुराना रेडियो था, जो सिर्फ उनसे ही चलता था| हमारे लाख प्रयास से भी वो रेडियो कभी गाने नहीं सुना पता था, हमेशा मच्छरों की आवाज़ ही आती थी| इसलिए वो खुद से ही कभी पटना, कभी विविध भारती, कभी ऑल इंडिया रेडियो, और पता नहीं कौन कौन सा स्टेशन लगा लगा कर मुझे गाने सुनते रहते थे|

मेट्रिक पास करने के बाद जब पटना गया आगे पढ़ने के लिए तो रेडियो और काका की याद सबसे ज्यादा आती थी, अकेले में रोने से जब फुर्सत मिलती थी तो लगता था की काश पापा २०० रूपये ज्यादा भेज देते तो एक रेडियो खरीद लेता| लेकिन सीमित आमदनी में २०० ज्यादा भेजना संभव नहीं था, उन दिनों चाइना के रेडियो का प्रचलन शुरू हुआ था| १० बैंड वाला रेडियो, जिसमे आप दूरदर्शन के कार्यक्रम भी सुन सकते थे| किसी तरह से मैंने जुगाड करके एक रेडियो लिया| आकार में छोटा था आराम से पैंट की जेब में आ जाता था, चौबीसों घंटे मेरे साथ ही रहता था वो रेडियो| महेन्द्रू में रहता था, पोस्ट ऑफिस के पास चायवाले के पास चाय पिने भी जाता तो मेरे साथ ही रहता था| लोग अजीब-अजीब नजरों से देखते थे मुझे, लेकिन मैं उल्टा उन्हें ही हेय दृष्टि से देखता था|

विविध भारती के कुछ कार्यक्रम जैसे की छायागीत, बाईस्कोप की बातें, और भूले-भिसरे गीत मेरे पसंदीदा कार्यक्रमों में से थे| आज भी विविध भारती सुनता हूँ तो वो समय याद आ जाता है, जब मेरे अकेलेपन का एकलौता साथी सिर्फ रेडियो हुआ करता था|

तकनीक के दौर में एक समय रेडियो पीछे छूटता हुआ दिख रहा था, लेकिन एफ-एम् क्रांति के चलते एक बार फिर ये जनमानस तक पहुंच चुका है| मोबाइल क्रांति का भी रेडियो के एक बार फिर से बढते उपयोग में अहम योगदान है| मैं भी खुश हूँ की मेरे अकेलेपन का साथी रेडियो बदले हुए रूप में एक बार फिर मुझे मिल गया है| वैसे आजकल इसके विकल्प भी बहुत सारे हैं, उन विकल्पों पर चर्चा फिर कभी....

Friday, July 30, 2010

Something for Sachin

Tvameva Sachinam, Sachinam tvameva,
Tvameva Ball-um, Bat-um tvameva.

Tvameva fielding sarvam tvameva.

Tvameva team-um India tvameva!

Tvameva Sachinam, Sachinam tvameva

(From a die-hard Sachin's fan, distributed by Harsh Bhogle on Twitter)

Sachin Tendulkar – What Should We Call Him?

Sachin Tendular!!!!

A name, which makes us feel proud. The name represents a face loved by almost every cricket lover. A name which holds so many records, who is ideal for almost every budding batsmen. People call him by different names, like "Master Blaster", "Little Master", "Shatakveer", Tendalya etc.

In my opinion whatever name we give Sachin (the greatest ever cricketer in the history of cricket), it will not be able to justify his great stature of the true hero of gentleman’s game.

My Third (Honest) Attempt To Blogging

My blogging journey started with reading out blogs of others. During early 2005, Indiatimes Blogs used to be my favorite pass time destination. I used to read personal thoughts and opinions of bloggers. I also decided to start my own blog and tried writing something, but due to this or that reason I failed two times in keeping my blog updated. I’ve been a net junkie and avid blog reader, but couldn’t become active blogger.

So, this is my third (honest) attempt to blogging and this time I’ve my fingers crossed. Wish me luck so that I can be successful in this attempt.


Thursday, July 29, 2010


Today I got something, when going through my daily emails. It is worth sharing, so I'm posting it here.

A well known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $ 500 Note. In the room of 200, he asked, "who would like this $ 500?' Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this note to one of you, but first let me do this.'

He proceeded to crumple the note up. He then asked, 'who still wants it?' Still, the hands were up in the air. 'Well,' he replied. 'What if I do this’? And the dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up now, all crumpled and dirty.

'Now who still wants it?' Still the hands went into the air. "My friends, you all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $ 500"

Many times in our day to day experiences, we are let down and crumpled by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. But no matter what has happens, one thing that we will never loose is our Value.

"Never let yesterday's disappointments overshadow tomorrow's dreams".

Sunday, August 03, 2008

HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY (Dedicated to my dearest loving friend)

Real friends are rare, whoever found one has found a rare and priceless treasure.


Life is a mystery, some kind of unknown journey without any defined destination. We always need someone to show us the right path, to praise us when we do well in life, to encourage when we fail, to motivate us during tough times and to share the moments of happiness together. A real friend does all these things for us. He/she never leaves us alone in any good or bad situations in life, rather stays there as a pillar of strength.

When God sent on this earth, they defined certain relations. Friendship is among one of those relations that plays vital role throughout our life. Whenever we feel down or face difficulty in life, when no one is there to listen, we look at someone to share our sadness and true friends never let us go down further. They life us and make us strong enough to face every complications courageously.

Friendship Quote

I am very lucky in this respect. People who spent some time with me know very well about my volatile nature, my inability to deal things properly and all my weaknesses, even though God blessed me with some people whom I can proudly declare as my real friends. We do not share any blood relations, but the bond of our pious relation keeps us tied together and I wish this bond remains until eternity.

Today on this very special day, I want to thank my all friends for being there with me, especially to whom this writing is dedicated. I willingly accept the fact that, if a person who was a looser in almost every step of life is still standing erect in this storm of life then the credit goes to you.

I cannot pay back for all your good deeds to me. But only one heartiest wish:

God bless you with all happiness in life. I wish you always get the taste of success in all future endeavors and able to enjoy your life as long as possible.

From the core of my heart


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Music Mania

Music... la laaaaa...

According to me 9 out of 10 people have Music in the list of their hobbies. I am also not an exception. I love music a lot. Well I don't have flair for singing, but I am a good listener.
Interest towards Music
Don't know when this worm entered into my body. But, it may be during years 1989-90. My father brought first(for our family) Television for us. I was only 9 years old that time. We used to enjoy the serials, and movies a lot. But among my list of favourites was programs telacasted on Sunday. There was several reason behind it, first it was holiday, and that time there was only Doordarshan, and Sunday was famous for the best programs(Serials, Movies & Rangoli).

Rangoli was my most favourite program, bcoz it was collection of Best Hindi Songs. Even today it is better than several music programs being telecasted on different channels. In begining I only watched the songs, I was not so mature to understand the lyrics. But I was aware with the faces of almost every actor & actoress(old or new). So it was the inception days of my interest towards Music & Songs.

I was basically fan of old hindi songs that time, because like today there was No Music & FM Channels. Even on Radio there was very few programs of recent movies songs.

Favourite Male Singer
Well I like good music & melodious songs, not only singer. But I m fan of Late Mukesh. Because he was the singer whose voice and songs touches my soul. He was master of everything. Some people say that he was master in singing Sad Songs. Then what about Romantic songs of Mukesh like:-

  • Chandan Sa Badan...
  • Kabhi Kabhi Mere Dil Mein ...
  • Chand Si Mehbooba Ho meri..
  • Phool Tumhen Bheja Hai Khat mein..

And there are many more in the list. Mukesh could breathe a thousand shades of despair and distill a lifetime of heartache in the few minutes it took to record a song. No other singer was capable of projecting emotions in their raw, unfurnished state the way he could. His was a voice that could on one hand be deeply melancholic and on the other hand exude a profoundly innocent and mellifluous sweetness. It was an exquisite blend of torment and anguish, tenderness and joy. To quote music maestro Salil Choudhury, "Each word from his lips was a pearl. No one could sing the way Mukesh did with the right diction, inflexion and intonation. His vocal timbre was out of this world."

Mukesh flourished right through the 1960s and mid 1970s with soulful hits like Main to Ek Khwab Hoon (Himalay ki God Mein (1965)), Jeena Yahaan Marna Yahaan (Mera Naam Joker), Maine Tere Liye hi Saat Rang ke Sanpne Chune (Anand (1970)), Main na Bhoolonga (Roti, Kapda Aur Makan (1974)) and of course Main Pal do Pal ka Shayar Hoon and Kabhi Kabhie (Kabhi Kabhie (1976)).

Some of my all time favourite songs are :

  • “Aawara Hoon-Awara(1951),
  • “Ye Mera Deewanapan Hai-Yahudi(1958)“,
  • “Aasoon Bhari Hai-Parvarish(1958)“,
  • “Sab Kuch Seekha Hamne-Anadi(1959)“,
  • “Dost Dost Na Reha-Sangam(1964)“,
  • “Duniya Banane Wale-Teesari Kasam(1966)“,
  • “Chal Akela-Sambandh(1969)“,
  • “Jis gali mein tera Ghar-Kati Patang(1970)“,
  • “Jane Kehan gaye Wo Din-Mera Naam Joker(1970)“,
  • “Kai Baar Yun Bhi Dekha Hai-Rajnigandha(1974),
  • “Ek Din Bik Jayega-Dharam Karam(1975)“ and the last in List is
  • “Kabhi Kabhi.. & Main Pal do Pal Ka Shayar-Kabhi-Kabhi(1976).“

Favourite Female Singer
Ofcourse Lata Mangeshkar. Who else? From childhood to this age always I liked her songs. Either that is songs of initial days of Hindi Cinema like "Aa Jao Tadapte Hain Arman.. Ab Raat gujarne wali hai" or recent songs of Veer-Zara like "Tere Liye" or "Do Pal Ka", Lata Ji is always the best among Best.

She has been active in all walks of Indian popular and light classical music having sung film songs, ghazals, bhajans and pop. She is the supreme voice of popular Indian music, an Indian Institution. Until the 1991 edition, when her entry disappeared, the Guinness Book of Records listed her as the most recorded artist in the world with not less than 30,000 solo, duet and chorus-backed songs recorded in 20 Indian languages between 1948 and 1987. Today the number might have reached 40,000!!!

My Favourite Songs by Lata JI:-

  • Jiya Bekarar hai (Barsat-1949)
  • Aayega Aanewala (Mahal-1949)
  • Ye Jindagi Usi Ki Hai (Anarkali-1953)
  • Man Dole mera (Nagin-1954)
  • Rasik Balma (Chori Chori-1956)
  • Ajeeb Dastan Hai Yeh(Dil Apna Aur Preet Parayee-1960)
  • Aapki Nazron Ne Samjha (Anpadh-1962)
  • Aaj Fir Jine ki Tamanna Hai (Guide-1965)
  • Aa Jaanejaa (Inteqam-1969)
  • Chalte-Chalte (Paakeezah-1972)
  • Ae Dil-E Nadan (Razia Sultan-1980)
  • Dikhayee Diye Yun (Bazaar-1982)
  • Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon (1962 During Indo-China War)

And two of her songs “Aa Jao Tadapte Hain Arman” & “Ye Sham Ki Tanhaiaan Aise mein tera Gam” are really Precious for me. Whenever I listen these two songs I became totally hypnotised.

Well music listening habbit is situation & mood dependent, I'll write abt my mood and such habbits in next blog.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Great Mathematician...

Dear Friends,
This is a blog with a difference and with a request to all of you. Request is to give some time to read this blog because generally people don't give much attention to such mails. This is just for your awareness to this burning topic.
Being Indian Citizen we have some fundamental rights and some duties towards our country. One of the greatest duty is protecting our heritage. Hertitage does not mean only our Monuments, Culture, Music, Cuisine, and art only. It also consists our great people. I would not like to talk about politicians or our freedom fighters, bcoz that's not my point. I will focus on masterminds of Science and Technology.
  • Dr. C.V. Raman (NOBEL LAUREATE)
  • Dr. Hargoving Khurana (NOBEL LAUREATE)
  • Dr. J.C. Bose (NOBEL LAUREATE)
  • Dr. Vikram Sarabhai
  • Dr H.J. Bhabha
  • Satyendra Nath Bose
  • P.C. Ray
  • Birbal Sahni

But do you know about Dr. Vasistha Narayan Singh. Who is the the greatest Mathematician alive. Who travelled a lot in journey of his life from a typical undevloped villagein Bihar to USA, village primary school to Netarhat, Science College Patna and then University of California, Berkley, the life of name and fame to the life of mental disturbance and poverty. The mathematician who challenged works of Great Scientist Albert Einstien. It was related to his Theory of Relativity(E=MC2).

Yes it's a matter of shame for all Indian's. I'm providing a little amount of information about him because not much informations are available on net about this great Mathematician.

  • His Village - Basantpur,(12 Km. from ARA), Bhojpur, Bihar
  • Family - Poor Family, Father Constable in Bihar Police.
  • Class X - Netarhat Vidyalaya - Gold Medallist in his passing year
  • Class XII - Patna Science College

He is the record holder for Bihar Board in Matriculation Examination and Bihar Intermediate Education Council for Intermediate Exams Sciene College.

In earlymid 1960's Bihar College of Engineering Patna, was in much better shape and world class faculty members used to visit the College. There was some Mathematics Conference in Bihar College of Engineering during mid 60's where Prof John L. Kelley, HOD University of California, Berkley(UCB) as also present.

He had presented a list of 5 most difficult problems in Mathematics or so. Vasistha Narayan Singh solved all of them and that too in different ways.

This Berkley professor got impressed and requested him to come to Berkley for further study. Vasistha Narayan Singh told him that it would be difficult for him to come to US on his own. HOD promised all the help and kept the word. HOD arranged for visa and flight ticket and got him into UCB.

He took good care of Vasistha Narayan Singh at UCB as Vasistha Narayan Singh is a shy person. Vasistha Narayan Singh did not let down HOD and did his PhD with style and went on to work for NASA.

His Ph.D Dissertation Title was : Reproducing Kernels and Operators with a Cyclic Vector.

Following is the link of web page of UCB(Berkley) stating details of his Ph. D in 1969.

In the meantime, Family was asking him to come to India and get married. Vasistha Narayan Singh had nationalistic dreams and thought of doing his matribhoomi, Bharat, proud; rather that stay on in US as his HOD and NASA wanted him to do.

Please note that 60s was the time of great Social and Student Unrest in USA as Vietnam War and Hippy/LSD Movement was at its peak. UCB was the headquarters of this movement and drugs were commonly used to expand consciousness! (Watch Forest Gump to get some idea) Beetles also a product of this generation though they started in UK but became big in US.

It was rumoured that He had an affair with the daughter of his HOD at UC Berkely and wanted to marry her but parental pressure and idealistic dream of doing India proud took precedence and he came back to India. It is also rumoured, that he had started taking some drugs when he was in Berkley and it continued when he came back to India.

He came back and his parents got him married to an Army Officer's Daughter with some good dowry. This army officer was from Jaipur. Due to reasons unknown, marriage did not work out and his wife left him after sometime to never come back again to him. This left him heartbroken and made his condition worse.

He returned to India and worked at ISI Cal, IIT K and TIFR Bombay. He had a tough time at ISI Cal and was disillusioned at other places also.

Soon after that, He lost his mental balance and was admitted to Mental Hospital, Kanke, Ranchi. But, Dr Jagannath Mishra got him out of Kanke as he had to get some other person admitted there, in the VIP ward. He did go to Merutt hospital and after that he ran away. He suffers from Schizonfrania. He has been treated by NIMHANS Bangalore also but not much details are available. His family did not have enough money to support his treatment and Bihar Govt threw him out of Kanke which made his condition worst. It appears that he fled from Merut Mental Hospital and was untraceable for many years until someone from his village saw him as a ragpicker in Chapra in mid 90s and informed his family.

His elder brother and others went to cross check the facts and went to see him. They were happy to see him alive but were sad to see his misery. He was brought back to his village in late 80s or early 1990s. There was a crowd of political bigshots and I think, Laloo was also one of
the leaders to have gone and met him.

He suffers from Schizonfrania. He has been treated by NIMHANS Bangalore also but not much details are available. His family did not have enough money to support his treatment and Bihar Govt threw him out of Kanke which made his condition worst.

Lets us try understand the situation of Dr. Vasistha Narayan Singh. He has been suffering with schizophrenia. To understand this disease and to understand cure of this disease, you must watch the film "Beautiful Mind". Dr. John Nash presently a professor at Princeton Unieversity had the same disease.

Medicational help is not much of help in this diesease. He need a proper environment to come back to normal life. Age is also a factor in recovery. A proper nutrition and life long medication can re-vitalize his life. But he needs a research related assignment and academic environment to be normal; besides having a loving family. Mentally, he is still living in the age of 20-30, though he may be 60 + as of today.

Even he was not in limelight since a long time. We got attention by a News in Dainik Jagran of his felicitation of Bank of India Employees Association(ARA).

For details of his current situation visit this Link.

Note :- Informations provided in this mail are taken from several sources. main source is my mails in BIHARI Yahoo Group.

Thanks to Saroj Ji(, Kundan ji(, Mr. Kartik Sahay USA( and Bihari group(

And special thanks to Sudhir ji ( for his excellent initiative towards this work.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Apna Bihar...(Make it ....)

Few words by me..
We have seen incidents of Giridih & Jehanabad. And it's first time in the history of our country, when Militants challenged administration directly. These are never before incidents.
The matter of Giridih and the matter of Jehanabad are similar, but there are a few differences between them. As Giridih is surrounded by forests all around, there is ample space for Militants to hide themselves and survive. It is well known that Giridih was affected by naxals for a long time. Areas close to District Headquarter like Peertand & Tundi Road were most affected, even after sunset the vechicles on these routes were guided by Police Van for safety. But the scenario of the city was better than most of the Town's of Bihar. The market was operational till 10 PM and even girls/women used to move freely till this time. I was there for two years and I never heard about a single incident of murder or cidnapping there.
But this step is a tight slap on Administration. It shows the ignorance of Local Administration as well as Jharkhand Govt towards People security. Because it's not an easy task to attack on a District Headquarter, but naxalites are doing it now. It means that he is not having only courage, but also weapons, people support as well as advance informations about administration too.
Now, case of Jehanabad. It is well known that Jehanabad is famous for clash between group of forwards & backwards. It is witness of several massacre. But naxals never had courage to attack on District Headquarter. It happened, and again Local Administration and Bihar Govt(in president rule) was sleeping.
I told in begining that both cases are different. There are few differences between them :-
Jharkhand is BJP(Opposition) ruled state. Bihar is under president rule(Cong./Laloo Rabri Supported bcoz they are in central Gov.)
Jharkhand is surrounded by Forests and hills, it's not tough for naxals to hide themselves in forests, even Police is not aware with exact routes inside forests and hills and slopy valleys, and Jehanabad is part of Food Basket of Bihar, there is hardly any forest in this district.
In Jahanabad the clash between Ranvir sena and CPI(M)/PWG is on extreme, whereas Giridih has no such problems.
So, if we say that these incidents were influenced by Laloo(as Uma Bharti said) or someone else then it's wrong. We can't blame for ignorance in President Rule in Bihar, because Jharkhand is not in President Rule.
Bihar Administration/President Rule (Kuch yaaden)

Bihar has become a jungle in past 15 years, thanks to Lalloo-Rabri rule there. People are not safe and running away - kids, doctors or anyone else is being kidnapped as kidnapping has become a flourishing business; students run to places like Delhi for education, labor finds better opportunity elsewhere in Punjab or Mumbai, nobody wants to set-up industry in Bihar, businessmen have to pay money to do business, academic and middle class have lost all hopes of living safely and peacefully in this land of Buddha, and our leaders are singing songs of ‘secularism’.
The slap can’t be on the face of Congress and commies, who are with secular Lalloo- after all, they want the good of Bihar for the people of Bihar- and keeping away the ‘communal forces’ can do that. Since Lalloo’s hugely corrupt RJD couldn’t come to power, the UPA Govt resorted to a pre-emptive strike, ignoring all provisions of the Constitution as well as violating all guidelines framed by the Supreme Court. Two factors played an important role in shaping this patently untenable abuse of power - blackmail by Lalloo, who believes that he and his wife alone have the divine right to rule Bihar irrespective of the people's verdict, and the Congress's contempt for the Constitution of India whose provisions have been time and again subsumed by the party's lust for power at any cost. So, the slap can’t be on the face of secular Cong and Commies.
Is it a slap on the face of Buta Singh, the much-maligned politician, who was politicking in Bihar under the disguise of Gubernatorial rule? His sons were reported to be indulging in all kinds of activities to milk the state. His chief secretary had gone on leave against his arbitrary actions. His rule was said to be actually the rule of RJD/UPA in no disguise. Buta Singh, under clear threat of Nitish Kumar and BJP forming the govt, prevented it by making a report about the horse-trading taking place in Bihar by Nitish et al. As if, any state govt in India can or does get formed without khareed-farokht of MLAs/horses? No, it is not a tight slap on his face for he was doing just what the center had asked him to do.
Is it a tight slap on the face of the council of Ministers, headed by our neat and clean PM, Man Mohan Singh, who presided over the midnight cabinet meeting and proposed continuation of imposition of President Rule to avoid the opposition from forming the govt in Bihar? The Prime Minister would do well to introspect on his contribution to the "unconstitutional" act in Bihar. It is unlikely that he will accept the burden of moral responsibility since that would require summoning vast reserves of integrity and ethics. Of course, they had the fig leaf to cover their midnight fraud by claiming that the opposition was indulging in un-holy activities- of trying to form govt? I mean, if UPA/Cong does that, it is holy; if opposition does that- it is un-holy. Simple, innit?
Supreme Court decision on the cabinet approval of such blatantly undemocratic rule is not a slap on their collective faces of Paswan et al- yeh sab toh politics mein chalta hee rehtaa hai! After all, aren’t Kangress and Paswan saving Bihar from communal forces when they want to give reservation to Muslims in jobs, make a Muslim CM in Bihar, give reservation to Muslims in educational institutions and all those secular deeds? No, the slap can't be on such secular faces. The Congress is dependent on Lalloo's support for remaining in power at the Centre; if the RJD MPs were to walk out of the UPA, the present regime would collapse like a house of cards. Hence, Lalloo arm-twisted Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh and his colleagues, especially Home Minister Shivraj Patil, into taking a step that has now recoiled on the Government, severely damaging its credibility and putting a question mark on the sincerity it professes in its commitment to constitutional propriety. It can be argued that our PM, whose integrity is often cited by apologists of the Government's policies and programmes while defending the indefensible, could have stood up to Lalloo's blackmail and dared him to walk out of the coalition
So, is it a slap on the face of the supreme leader, the Saint from Rome, the renunciating, the mahaan Tyaagi, Soniajee? After all, she was the one, who had given the ‘Hari-Jhandi’ to this, for even a 'patta' doesn’t move in Kangress without her permission. Nah! She can never do any wrong, and after all, they just forwarded/faxed the report of the Guv to the Prez in the dark of the night. It was left to the pleasure, conscience and wisdom of the Prez to take action or not? It can’t be a slap on her face as she belongs to Nehru-Gandhi family and they don’t do any wrong! This is the conspiracy of Manuwadi, communal, fascist, bourgeoisie, right wing, Hindu, fundamentalist anti-India forces to malign the bright name of Rajiv Gandhi’s widow, poor Soniajee!
Is it a slap on the face of our upright, innocent, naive and scientist Prez, who could have, but didn’t ask the govt to wait till he comes back to the country? He could’ve asked PM to let him know the specific reasons for the extreme hurry in signing this order and could have proved that he is not a mere rubber stamp Prez like his predecessors- and has a mind of his own, but he didn’t. Why? Kaun saa aasmaan toota pad raha tha? But, he meekly signed it and proved that the slap is not on his innocent face. After all, he is doing what he is supposed to do- sign on the dotted line! He was just following a tradition, thats all!
What we are doing is just exchanging our opinions(which is proof of our intellectuality) with each other, or blaming just Jameendari Pratha, and talking about Land Reforms. Which is useless. It is very easy to talk about the problems, thinking and dreaming about the solutions. But is it as easy as we are taking it.
Actually, the slap is on our collective faces- yours and mine! We get the govt, the Governor, the ruling party, the Prez, we deserve! When people like you and I don’t vote and instead watch TV- the slap is on our faces; when you and I don’t resist being raped by these goons- the slap is on our faces; when we continue to tolerate the zulm, it is we who get the slap; when we continue to say- hum kar bhi kya sakte hain? The slap is on our faces.......